Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Research Coach

Do your students need assistance with their research? Union’s Research Coaches are available to assist students with the challenges they often face when doing research:

Framing a research question 
Choosing where to look for resources 
Using resources in the most effective way possible 
Knowing how to evaluate different sources
 Citing your sources accurately

Union Librarians (Melissa Moore, T.R. Parker and Jenny Lowery) are “going public” to promote the availability of the library’s new Research Coach service. During October and November, you and your students will often find a Research Coach sitting at one of the round tables just inside the library’s entrance. Look for the yellow and black logo above to identify the location of one or more Research Coaches. If a Research Coach isn’t visible, please ask someone at the Information Desk for a Research Coach. You may also make an appointment with a Research Coach using the library’s Research Coach web page.

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